Status Of Uqeku Bridge In Ndwedwe, Ward 16.

07 September 2020


Ndwedwe Local Municipality would like to respond and clarify on the media reports
regarding an issue of a bridge, uQeku, in Ndwedwe ward 16. The chronological order of
things with regards to this bridge is that Ndwedwe Local Municipality received a request for
a proper bridge in 2016.

That process is done through community consultations which then formulate what is called
IDP (Integrated Development Program) of each ward. Immediately after receiving this
request, the municipality started working toward seeing this request being realized.

The first step was to advertise and appoint a service provider who was going to do an
assessment study of the proposed bridge.
Fast forward to 2020, ALL the groundwork in preparation of construction of this bridge has
been done.

These works include Geo-technical assessments, environmental assessments, budget, and
appointment of a panel of service providers to ensure that the work – once started – goes
uninterrupted y cancellations.

As we stand, the municipality is waiting for the Department of Environmental Affairs to
approve the construction of uQeku bridge if and when they are convinced that all is in order.
Once the municipality receives such approval from the department, we will issue out the
exact timelines of what will happen next and when.

Issued by:

Cllr Nkosinathi Chili – Mayor of Ndwedwe Local Municipality
Ndwedwe Local Municipality, Tel: 032 532 5000

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